group F
Freiraum für alle GmbH
Lützowstraße 102-104
10785 Berlin
Phone +49 (0)30 – 6112334
represented by:
Thomas Michael Bauermeister
Dipl.-Ing. Landschaftsarchitektur (DGGL)
Member of the Berlin Chamber of Architects, membership number: 17706
Gerd Kleyhauer
Dipl.-Ing. Landschaftsarchitektur (BDLA)
Member of the Berlin Chamber of Architects, membership number: 15045
Gabriele Pütz
Dipl.-Ing. Landschaftsarchitektur (BDLA, SRL)
Member of the Berlin Chamber of Architects, membership number: 17657
Entry in the commercial register:
Charlottenburg Local Court Berlin
Register number HRB 219511 B
Sales tax identification number according to §27 a sales tax law:
Professional regulations:
Berlin Architects and Building Chamber Act (ABKG), available at
Design & realization
allcodesarebeautiful. Design & Communication
- Homepage: Berlin in summer/ Christian Lue / Unsplash
- Homepage: Berlin June 17 / Adam Vradenburg / Unsplash
- All neighborhoods / subpages: Street in Berlin / Eugenia Pankiv / Unsplash
- Jo Neander (home page, cover photo and photo no. 5)