The “Krausenstraße” neighborhood is located in the Mitte district and lies between Axel-Springer-Straße, Leipziger Straße, Friedrichstraße and Zimmerstraße. The neighborhood is home to the WBM youth park and Marion-Gräfin-Dönnhoff-Platz. The Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg district is located to the south-east. This neighborhood is being examined for the need for traffic calming and its suitability as a neighborhood block.
Kiezblocks für Mitte
at a glance
Why does anything have to change at all? What does it mean for you? And where can you have your say? You can find all the important information about the neighbourhood blocks for Mitte at a glance on the homepage.

Completed and next steps in the Krausenstrasse neighborhood
Your neighborhood map:
Measures in the Krausenstraße neighborhood
In the map you will find the first ideas for measures to turn the Krausenstraße neighborhood into a neighborhood block.
Possible measures are:
- Bicycle lanes
- Modal filter (bollard rows)
- opposing one-way streets
- Constrictions
Want to have your say?
Contribute to the online participation by 07.04.2025:
You can find information on participation opportunities in all neighborhoods under Participate.
Want to have your say?
Come for a walk through the Krausenstraße neighborhood:
You can find information on participation opportunities in all neighborhoods under Participate.
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