
The “Uferstraßenkiez” is located in the Gesundbrunnen district and is bordered by Reinickendorfer Straße, Pankstraße, Badstraße, Exerzierstraße and Schulstraße . The Wedding district court and the park at Brunnenplatz are located in this neighborhood. The subway stations Nauener Platz and Pankstraße are located at two intersections on the borders of the neighborhood. This neighborhood, which is intersected by the Panke, is being examined for the need for traffic calming and its suitability as a neighborhood block.

Kiezblocks für Mitte
at a glance

Why does anything have to change at all? What does it mean for you? And where can you have your say? You can find all the important information about the neighbourhood blocks for Mitte at a glance on the homepage.

Straße mit Gebäuden und Bäumen.

Completed and next steps in the Uferstraße neighborhood

An open, green and white striped umbrella on a cargo bike that reads "Kiezblocks für Mitte".

Examined for suitability as a neighborhood block

Selected as one of 28 neighborhoods for online participation

Traffic survey and online participation completed

Selected as one of 24 neighborhoods for further testing

Design created for a neighborhood block in this neighborhood

Second participation phase launched

Selected for implementation of a neighborhood block

Concept for the neighborhood block concretized

Measures implemented in the neighborhood

The Kiezblock is here!

Measures are evaluated

Evaluation is complete

Your neighborhood map:
Measures in the Uferstraße neighborhood

In the map you will find the first ideas for measures to turn the Uferstraßenkiez into a neighborhood block.

Click on the icons to find out more.
Can’t find your way around the map? Just click on the magnifying glass on the map and search for your address.

Possible measures are:

  • Bicycle lanes
  • Modal filter (bollard rows)
  • opposing one-way streets
  • Constrictions

Want to have your say?

Contribute to the online participation by 07.04.2025:

You can find information on participation opportunities in all neighborhoods under Participate.

Illustration: A hand types something on a cell phone.

Want to have your say?

Come for a walk through the Uferstraßenkiez:

You can find information on participation opportunities in all neighborhoods under Participate.

Illustration: A hand types something on a cell phone.

Any questions?

You can find answers in the FAQs.

A group of people standing in a row and walking towards each other.

News about the Uferstraßenkiez